Chicago Chapter #27, USA
Ikebana Book Club
Our Chapter held its last meeting of the year with a background of fall colors at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The Book Club Program was based on the booklist we came up with during the pandemic (Stay Home for Ikebana). Members brought books they found valuable in learning Ikebana and shared them with the others. Over twenty books were on display, including Sogetsu, Ohara and Ikenobo. One member had just come back from Japan, visiting both Sogetsu and Ohara Headquarters. She brought a couple of books to share. The attendees had a great response and the discussion ran over time.

Chicago Chapter #27 USA
November 14 2024 Chapter Meeting Zoom video watching event Budding Fortunes: Ikebana in Japan’s Postwar Recovery We invited our members to watch a video on zoom. Our program chair chose the video from the Ikebana International North and Central American website from the Chapter Member Resources...

BUENOS AIRES #40 Argentina
November 8, 9, and 10, 2024 Exhibition Ikenobo / Ohara / Sogetsu After a five-year hiatus, Buenos Aires Chapter 40 was able to host our Spring Exhibition for three days in a row. Ikenobo, Ohara and Sogetsu arrangements were displayed amid the wonderful surroundings of Buenos Aires...

Kobe Chapter #181 Japan
Demonstration Koryu Katabamikai On January 17th, the New Year's Party of Kobe Chapter was held at the Kobe Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers, featuring a demonstration by Mr. Rikou Otsuka, the Vice-Iemoto of Koryu Katabamikai. The demonstration began with an explanation of the basic forms of the...

New Delhi #77 India
1/10/2024 Demonstration Sogetsu School The greatness of any culture lies in its festivals! On October 1st, 2024, there was a grand demonstration by Ms. Divya Ansal, a veteran teacher of the SOGETSU School. Her demo was titled “Festivity with Ikebana”. The program was held under the aegis...