Message from Resolutions Committee Chairperson

In anticipation of the Ikebana International 13th World Convention, Resolutions Committee Chair Elizabeth Angell is pleased to announce that she is currently accepting proposals for resolutions and revisions and amendments to the Ikebana International Articles of Association, the International Bylaws and the Standing Policy Resolutions until the deadline of November 1, 2024 so as to allow sufficient time for processing.

Changes can be made to the International Articles of Association by means of a resolution to be approved by a majority of the voting delegates present at the World Convention (Chapter 9, Article 40). Similarly, the International Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the voting delegates present (International Bylaws Article XIII). All proposals for resolutions and amendments must be received by International Headquarters as soon as possible – no later than November 1, 2024 – and they are subject to review by the Resolutions Committee and final approval by the International Board of Directors, which may recommend changes in wording or elimination of resolutions that are redundant.

The text of the International Articles of Association, International Bylaws and Standing Policy Resolutions can be found on the I.I. website. We ask that you kindly submit your ideas for resolutions or amendments to your chapter officers. As a final step, we ask that chapter officers compile and send those recommendations to the Resolutions Committee Chair, Elizabeth Angell via email (

With many thanks for your enthusiasm for Ikebana International and for making the 13th World Convention a success.

Elizabeth Angell
Resolutions Committee Chairperson

A written apology

Regarding the numbering of Culture program, the number of each class in the brochure does not linkage between the actual time fixed for a class.
We sincerely apologize for making any confusion.

The date on the registration online system AMARYS is definitively the correct information.

We are going to send “Convention Note” to the registrants for the convention hereafter.
Please check the details for the program and other good directions for the participants of the convention.

13th World Convention Chairperson Nobuko Usui