2. Basel 227 / Geneva 143 / Zurich 214, Switzerland

Basel 227 / Geneva 143 / Zurich 214, Switzerland

3-Chapter Congress and Ikebana Exposition, “Kado”

A congress and big Ikebana Exposition “Kado ” took place at the Artos Center in Interlaken on the weekend of 7-9 June. This important event was jointly organized by the three Swiss Ikebana International Chapters of Basel, Geneva and Zurich and proved to be a cultural highlight in the anniversary year of diplomatic relations between Japan and Switzerland.
The congress with an exhibition in Interlaken is a new idea to offer a special experience to the members of the Swiss chapters and members from Vienna, Berlin, Frankfurt and Germany South. With this congress, it was possible to fulfil all the annual I.I. requirements of 3 workshops, an exhibition and an excursion in one weekend. In line with our motto, “Friendship through flowers”, the event provided an opportunity for exchange among the chapters and joint artistic activities.
During the three-day congress, 60 participants worked on arrangements in various styles from different schools in 12 workshops. These were then presented in the public exhibition, which was very well received.
The ceremonial opening of the exhibition “Kado ” on Saturday evening, moderated by Esther Feucht in German and Lucienne Girardbille in French, was attended by the Japanese Ambassador, H.E. Fujiyama and the Mayor of Interlaken, Philippe Ritschard. Greetings from I.I. President Takada Tomoko were delivered in English by Esther Iten. Ambassador Fujiyama symbolically opened the exhibition by cutting a ribbon. More than 200 people visited the exhibition.
The evaluation of the questionnaires showed that the participants would like to have another congress of this kind.
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Basel 227 / Geneva 143 / Zurich 214, Switzerland