2. Chicago Chapter#27

Chicago Chapter#27

We conducted a program, Urasenke Chanoyu – Peaceful Time, on December 11, 2021.
Urasenke is one of the main schools of Japanese tea ceremony.

This program included two parts. The first part is a demonstration of tea ceremony and the second is Chabana (flowers for Tea Ceremony) critique session. Noriko Takahara Sensei, very experienced Urasenke tea ceremony instructor, started the program in her beautiful tea room along with 2 of her long-time students. A set of tea ceremony was placed around a host to prepare tea while she also showed us the tea accessories such as Chakin (Hemp cloth), Chasen (tea whisk), Chashaku (tea scoop), Chawan (tea bowl), Fukusa (silk cloth), Furo (portable brazier), Futaoki (kettle lid and ladle rest), etc. We observed carefully how the host served the tea and how the guest responded with bows in perfect body language. The purpose of the Japanese tea ceremony is to create bonding between the host and guest and also gain inner peace. We also noticed the details of the neat tea room including dim light, scroll on the wan and chabana displayed at the alcove. Unlike ikebana Chabana doesn’t have any specific forms, and several members found it difficult to arrange it.

The program was well received. The flawless tea ceremony was mesmerizing. We received great response from the audience from Chabana discussion, so we will plan for Chabana workshop next time.

Chicago Chapter#27