2. New Delhi #77, India Demonstration and Visit to President’s farm

New Delhi #77, India Demonstration and Visit to President’s farm

In February we had a beautiful demonstration by Mrs. Rekha Sarin, author of the book [The Art of Flower Arrangement]. She is trained both in Sogetsu and Western flower styles. She is also the coauthor of [Chai-the experience of Indian Tea], which won the “World International Gourmand Award”.
Rekha used beautiful vases and materials to weave the story of tea which took the audience to different exotic tea locales holding them spellbound. She depicted different types of teas like black assam tea, white tea, earl grey, maccha green, kahwa, oolong and many others in her arrangements.
The demonstration was followed by sumptuous food enjoyed by one and all.

In March the President of our chapter, Mrs. Syama Balbir invited members at her picturesque, enchanting farm. Mrs. Syama Balbir, a person with green fingers has created magic in her garden.
Beautiful hues, vibrant colors, flowers dancing in the gentle breeze, exquisite bonsais all add to the beauty being displayed. Immaculately done landscaped gardens, stream of water flowing with water lilies, papyrus and many other water plants tell their own story. The constant chirping of birds, butterflies flying, ladybugs and caterpillars relaxing in their abode weaved magic.
Members had a wonderful and relaxing time and enjoyed the lavish South Indian Meal served to them.

New Delhi #77, India Demonstration and Visit to President’s farm