2. San Francisco Bay Area Chapter #31, USA

San Francisco Bay Area Chapter #31, USA

Contemporary Traditional, Traditional Contemporary

It was a busy May gathering. We started off the afternoon announcing the nominated slate of officers for 2024-2025, allowing for any nominations from the floor before our final vote. The newly elected officers were greeted and handed a rose from our Honorary President Mrs. Osumi.

The program entitled Contemporary Traditional, Traditional Contemporary by ikebana artists, Alka Bhargava from the Ichiyo School and Rayko Kurosaki from the Enshu School, showed the beauty of spring and the ability for schools to collaborate once again in making beautiful ikebana.
Side table arrangements were made by I.I. members. Fresh cuttings, plants, books, tools and containers were available for members to purchase at our Ways and Means Table.

Tea table and treats followed the conclusion of the program as is our custom.

San Francisco Bay Area Chapter #31, USA