2. Cagayan de Oro Chapter #163

Cagayan de Oro Chapter #163

We conducted a recruitment activity in two parts.

The first was conducted on February 13, 2023. There were 21 chapter members in attendance and 12 guests/potential members were invited. Sensei Consuelo “Tilo” Aberasturi and Teresa Celdran conducted a demonstration and workshop “consciousness to right combination of materials”.

The second part was conducted on March 12, 2023. 18 members and 8 guests/potential members were in attendance. Sensei Consuelo “Tilo” Aberasturi conducted a demonstration and workshops on “consciousness to right combination of materials” and “composition of mass and lines”.

We are glad to announce that 8 new members have joined our chapter through this recruitment activity.

Cagayan de Oro Chapter #163