2. Toronto Chapter #208, Canada

Toronto Chapter #208, Canada

The Ikebana International Toronto Chapter 208’s annual show in 2023, themed “In Harmony with Nature,” was held at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre on October 22nd. It was a resounding success with more than 200 attendees. The event received valuable support from the Consulate General of Japan in Toronto, and Mr. Sasayama, the Consul General, delivered the opening remarks, emphasizing the cultural significance of Ikebana and the theme.

A highlight of the event was the special guest, Jose Salcedo, Sub Grand Master of Ohara School from Los Angeles, who conducted a live demonstration of six captivating Ikebana arrangements. These designs beautifully embodied the theme of creating the harmonious relationship between Ikebana and nature.

The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre’s serene setting complemented the theme perfectly, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and natural beauty. Attendees were treated to 35 stunning Ikebana arrangements. Each members of chapter #208 are gifted with skill and creativity.

The event’s success was further enhanced by the generous sponsorship of Shiseido Canada Inc., adding a touch of sophistication to the show in line with the artistic and cultural elements of Ikebana.

Throughout the day, attendees had the opportunity to explore workshops and demonstrations, deepening their understanding of the art form. These interactive sessions allowed guests to connect with Ikebana on a personal level, gaining insight into its philosophy and techniques.

The 2023 Ikebana International Toronto Chapter 208 annual show celebrated the enduring connection between Ikebana and the natural world, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended. It was a memorable and inspiring day, highlighting the art of Ikebana, Japanese culture, and the unity of humanity and nature, all under the great leadership of President Yvonne Leung and the board committee.

Toronto Chapter #208, Canada